The legal profession in Sri Lanka was recognized by the Charter of Justice in the year 1802. Prior to 1974, the legal profession consisted of two branches namely the Advocates of Sri Lanka and the Proctors of Sri Lanka.
The ‘Bar Council of Sri Lanka’ represented the Advocates in Sri Lanka and the ‘Law Society of Sri Lanka’ represented the Proctors in Sri Lanka in all matters affecting their respective practices.
With the enactment of the Administration of Justice Law No. 44 of 1973, the said two branches were amalgamated into a single group of legal practitioners named as Attorneys-at-Law.
In 1974, pursuant to the enactment of this Law, the Bar Association of Sri Lanka was established as the apex body and organization for all Attorneys-at-Law in Sri Lanka.
Significant Milestones / Facts
- 1st Bar Council Meeting – 1974
- Founder President – Dr. H W Jayawardena QC
- Membership as at December 2020 – 21,300
- Branch Associations – 88
- President – Mr. Kaushalya Nawaratne,AAL
- Deputy President – Mr. Nalinda Indatissa PC
- Secretary – Mr. Isuru Balapatabendi,AAL
- Treasurer – Mr. Chamath Jayasekara,AAL
- Assistant Secretary – Mr. Mehran Careem,AAL
- Dr. K. Kanag-isvaran, PC
- Mr. Faisz Musthapha, PC
- Mr. Upali Gunaratna, PC
Our Objectives
- The maintenance of the honour and independence of the Bar of Sri Lanka;
- The promotion and protection of the interests, welfare, rights and privileges of the Bar including the establishment of Provident and Welfare Schemes;
- The promotion of good relations and co-operation between the Bar and the Public, the Legislature, Judiciary and the Executive and Lawyers of other Countries;
- The extension of co-operation and support towards the maintenance of the honour and independence of the Judiciary of Sri Lanka;
- The consideration of matters of national importance relating to the Rule of Law and Administration of Justice and if need be, making of representations thereon to the Government and/or any other relevant authority and taking any further steps in respect thereof including filing of actions or intervening in actions in Courts of Justice;
- The maintenance of standards of professional conduct by the promotion of honourable practice, prevention of malpractice and other conduct unworthy of an Attorney-at-Law, the formulation and interpretation of rules of professional conduct and etiquette, the settlement of disputed points or practice and the decision of all questions of professional etiquette, usage of courtesy between or among Attorneys-at-Law;
- The appointment of such Committees as the Council may consider necessary either on its own or in consultation with the Judges of the Supreme Court, in connection with and for the maintenance of discipline in the profession;
- The promotion, observance and the protection of Human Rights and Liberties including the protection of the right of access to the Courts and of legal representation before Courts, Tribunals and other persons or bodies, judicial, administrative and investigating authorities;
- The initiation, promotion and support of Law Reform and the improvement of the Administration of Justice and Judicial Procedure;
- The consideration of all questions affecting interests of the profession and if need be, making of representations to the Legislature or other authority in relation to legislative measures affecting the profession as well as the public;
- The establishment, maintenance and support of a system of prompt and efficient legal aid service, whether in association with the Government, other Institutions, Individuals or bodies or otherwise howsoever;
- The furtherance of legal education and study of the Law and to foster International and regional co-operation in the study of Law and the Administration of Justice.