Remembrance Ceremony – 2025
A Remembrance Ceremony was organised and held on Saturday, 22nd February 2025 at the BASL Auditorium to pay tribute to the members of the association who had passed away during the period February 2024 to January 2025. Amongst the 55 members whose lives and services were honoured, was Past President Mr. Ajantha Atukorale and many other eminent Attorneys-at-Law and President's Counsel. View on: ...
BASL Election-2025
Election for the post of President BASL was held on 19th February 2025 in 91 polling centers across the country. Mr. Viraj Dayaratna PC, Hon. Solicitor General was the Presiding Officer and Dr. Sunil Abeyratna and Mr. Rajeev Amarasuriya contested for the post. Mr. Rajeev Amarasuriya won the election by an overwhelming majority from both Colombo and Out Stations. We congratulate Mr. Rajeev Amarasuriya on his election as the President BASL for the year 2025/26. ...
The Nominations for posts of President and Secretary
The Nominations for posts of President and Secretary of the BASL for the Year 2025/2026 were accepted by the Hon. Solicitor General Mr. Viraj Dayaratne PC on 15th January 2025 at the BASL Secretariat. There were three nominations accepted for the post of President, namely Mr. Anura Meddegoda PC ,Mr. Rajeev Amarasuriya and Dr. Sunil Abeyaratna ‘ Mr. Chathura Galhena submitted nominations seeking to continue for his second term.Accordingly, Mr. Chathura Galhena was elected uncontested as the Secretary for the Year 2025/2026. Elections for the post of President will be held on 19th February 2025. ...